September 2020

Australia's Water Research Association, Water RA, today held a webinar on the Internet of Things (Iot) as part of its Digital, Data & Sensors webinar series. D-CAT was delighted to be asked to contribute, with our CTO presenting "Making the most of your IoT data: Next-generation cloud systems for trusted, provable service delivery".

The IoT phenomena continues to grow with a plethora of low cost sensors available, greater connectivity, and ubiquitous cloud computing all enabling the exponential growth of connected devices worldwide.

Key considerations for companies adopting IoT, or looking to expand current capabilities, were discussed on this webinar using our experience of delivering value-adding services derived from sensor data via our cloud Fusion Platform®. Planning your IoT system must be based and aligned with your technology strategy, focus on time-to-value, and be future-proofed to withstand the rapid pace with which this space is moving.

An example of how D-CAT has utilised IoT sensors to provide business benefit was shared: the fusion of satellite imagery with soil moisture probes to provide wide area subsoil moisture maps. The fusion of point-accuracy sensors at depth with accuracy over a wider-area (10m) at a topsoil level provides block / field-level coverage at a fraction of the cost of provisioning hundreds or more sensors. The image on the left is an output from the system.

For more information about how to choose a cloud provider, design for scalability, make critical sensor and network decisions, build-in security and data provenance through technologies like blockchain, and rapidly configure services of value, see WaterRA for all presentations (available within days of the event).

The presentation can be found here.


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